Stefan Tomić
BiH | 2020 | 23min

13.11.2021 12:00

A family of three discovers that none of them have slept in days. The mother, concerned about the health of her family, tries to fight this mysterious insomnia, but every attempt is in vain. She begins to lose her sanity and as she breaks down, so does her family. Secrets are revealed and they endanger their relationship. Can they overcome that?
Maybe one honest word is all that it takes.

Stefan Tomić (1998 / Banja Luka, BiH) is a fourth-year student of Film and TV Directing at the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka. His documentary "The Roots", won the Special Jury Award in the Student category at the Sarajevo Film Festival , and was screened at festivals in Europe and Asia.


Režija / Director: Stefan Tomić • Scenarij / Screenplay: Stefan Tomić • Direktor fotografije / Director of Photography: Katarina Vuković • Montaža / Editor: Stefan Tomić • Music / Muzika: Jovan Erceg, Stefan Topić Buki • Zvuk / Sound: Stefan Tomić, Aleksa Doveden • Scenografija / Production Design: Sara Stjepanović, Aleksandra Mećava • Kostimografija / Costume Design: Sara Stjepanović, Aleksandra Mećava • Producent / Producer: Monika Milanović • Produkcija / Production: Akademija umjetnosti u Banjoj Luci • Uloge / Cast: Ljubiša Savanović, Ana Anđelić, Svetozar Babić