THE GAME- Spiel zwischen Leben und Tod

Manuela Federl
Österreich | 2021 | 90min

13.11.2021 12:10

At the Bosnian-Croatian border everything revolves around THE GAME, the illegal walk across the EU's external border. Not only young men take part in this game, but entire families. Manuela and Bernd, two refugee helpers from Bavaria, want to help and quickly realize that smugglers, the police, international organizations and many other players are involved in this game. Little by little, the two of them get to know the players and become part of the GAMES themselves.

Manuela Federl is a journalist who has been creating print articles, reports and documentaries for various TV stations for 20 years.

Federl is studying languages, economics and culture with a focus on Ibero-Romance studies at the University of Passau and the Universidad de Concepción in Chile. Your diploma thesis “Mapuche. Gente de la tierra sin tierra. ”Will be published as a book after completing her studies.

In 2015 Federl ended her employment and founded the company Bergjournalisten. Since then she has been working as a freelance writer for various clients. The journalist repeatedly dares to tackle topics that are of personal concern to her. In spring 2016, at the "high" of the refugee crisis, she made the documentary "Hundred Hours of Lesbos", which received the "Short Plus Award" at the Five Lakes Festival and is shown in many regional cinemas in Bavaria and Austria .

Since 2016 she has been organizing a 4-day film festival in Upper Bavaria.

In 2020 she founded the association Lautlos e. V. in order to be able to carry out an aid transport to Bosnia. She would like to accompany the aid transport documentary in order to show the people that her help really arrives.

The film “THE GAME. Game between life and death. "


Produktion: Doppelkopf-Studio