Faruk Lončarević
BIH | 2021 | 90min

13.11.2021 12:05

Bosnian province, today. Aida has broken off relationship with abusive Kerim and wants to advance her life. But ties are stronger then she thinks and mundane everyday life draws her deeper into darkness. Inspired by true event.

Faruk Loncarevic born in 1975 in Sarajevo, where he graduated Academy of Performing Arts that he attends during war. He directed his first film "Mum ‘n’ Dad" in 2006. Premiere was on Sarajevo Film Festival where it won Jury Award. His next fiction feature "With Mom" premiered in Sarajevo in 2013 and won the CineEurope award. It was Bosnias candidate for Academy Award that year.

Screenwriter Faruk Loncarevic, Roelof Jan Minneboo
Cinematography Alen Alilovic
Cast Aida Bukva, Dino Sarija, Enes Kozlicic, Aleksandar Seksan, Faketa Salihbegovic, Admir Sehovic, Mirela Lambic, Mehmed Porca, Dzenita Imamovic, Ivana Vojinovic


Režija / Director: Faruk Loncarevic • Scenarij / Screenplay: Faruk Loncarevic • Direktor fotografije / Director of Photography: Alen Alilovic • Montaža / Editor: Faruk Loncarevic • Zvuk / Sound: Mirza Tahirovic • Kostimografija / Costume Design: Lejla Graho • Producent / Producer: Faruk Loncarevic, Rusmir Efendic • Uloge / Cast: Aida Bukva, Dino Sarija, Enes Kozlicic, Mehmed Porca, Aleksandar Seksan, Faketa Salihbegovic