Natko Stipaničev
CRO | 2020 | 14min

19.11.2021 11:00

A grandiose transoceanic cruise ship sailing the seas.

Natko Stipaničev graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the Arts Academy in Split, Department of Film and Video, and earned a Master’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Department for Animated Film and New Media. He makes animated films and music.


DER FILM IST AB 19.11.2021 ZUGÄNGLICH IN DER KATEGORIE WETTBEWERBSBEITRÄGE FILM JE OD 19.11..2021 DOSTUPAN I UCESTVUJE U GLAVNOJ KATEGORIJI THE FILM IS AVAILABLE FROM 19.11..2021 IN THE MAIN CATEGORY Režija / Director: Natko Stipanicev • Montaža / Editor: Natko Stipanicev • Scenarij / Screenplay: Natko Stipanicev • Animators: Natko Stipanicev • Zvuk / Sound: Natko Stipanicev • Produkcija / Production: Kreativni Sindikat, Igor Grubic