Jasna Safić
CRO | 2020 | 23min

16.11.2021 11:55

Maja and Alen live in a dilapidated apartment on the outskirts of the city. Although they would like more from life, they have nothing too much to hope for, because company where Maja works is in debt and does not pay salaries, and for Alen, who works from home, there is less and less work. That is why the two of them are starting their own business, which comes into question when Maja finds out that security cameras will soon be installed in her working place.

Jasna Safić (1978) was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of the Croatian Short Pitch at the Festival Kratki na brzinu, in 2017 she was awarded for the best pitch according to which the short feature film Switch was made in 2019, and for the film Decompensation from 2020 she received a Special Mention from the Jury of Critics at the 14th Gledalište KinoKluba Zagreb.


DER FILM IST AB 16.11.2021 ZUGÄNGLICH IN DER KATEGORIE WETTBEWERBSBEITRÄGE FILM JE OD 19.11..2021 DOSTUPAN I UCESTVUJE U GLAVNOJ KATEGORIJI THE FILM IS AVAILABLE FROM 19.11..2021 IN THE MAIN CATEGORY Režija / Director: Jasna Safić • Scenarij / Screenplay: Jasna Safić • Direktor fotografije / Director of Photography: Antonio Pozojević • Montaža / Editor: Nela Gluhak, Urša Vlahušić • Zvuk / Sound: Tihomir Vrbanec • Producent / Producer: Igor Jelinović • Produkcija / Production: Blank_filmski inkubator 2020 • Uloge / Cast: Iskra Jirsak i Marin Tudor