
As in previous years, film submission will take place via the FilmFreeway platform. Works wishing to participate in the two main competitions must meet the following formal criteria:

  • MAIN COMPETITION: Feature films, documentaries and animated films with a maximum length of 30 minutes (including credits). 
  • STUDENT COMPETITION: Feature films, documentaries and animated films with a maximum length of 40 minutes (including credits), realised within the framework of a university course.

Films must have been produced within 24 months prior to the festival. Preference will be given to films that will have their world, international, European or German premiere in the competition programme of the 5th BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA LOOKS AROUND International Film Festival 2022. 

In addition, thematically appropriate films that do not meet the above criteria may be submitted as a GUEST SCREENING. These will be presented outside the competition in the extended programme.

You can find the detailed regulations here.

Submit your film here: